Monthly Archives: March 2010

New Storage Shelving

A few months ago, the Robert R. Muntz Library received L.E.R.R (Library, Equipment, Repair and Rehabilitation) funds from the U.T. System that allowed us to remodel the University Archives, located on the first floor of the library.  The original shelving (above) took up too much space and left us little room to expand our collections—or work on them.  We devoted several weeks to moving thousands of documents related to The University of Texas at Tyler, Lt. Governor Bill Ratliff, journalist Sarah McClendon, Judge William Steger, and others into various areas of the Library, causing much confusion, clutter, and a cramped working environment.  However, after extensive consultation and planning to provide new shelving and some little bumps in the road, the remodel is almost complete!  We now have new, movable shelving units that provide us more room to put all our documents, with plenty of room left over for new acquisitions.   After that, it is just a matter of putting everything in its place.

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